Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Brown Sugar Fudge

So last week(ish) I said I wanted to make fudge, but I didn’t have a candy thermometer, so I opted for making butterscotch blondies. Well I shopped online for a while until I found a candy thermometer that was a good price and had at least 3 star reviews. After searching and searching, I found one made by the CIA; no, not the secrete CIA but the Culinary Institute of America. This is an awesome thermometer for a first time candy maker, like myself. But this isn’t a product review, this is about FUDGE! Brown Sugar Fudge to be exact.

I was so nervous when making this. I was checking and double checking the recipe instructions so many times, that I have probably memorized it. And then the temperature of the liquid fudge wasn’t rising and that was making me panic because I thought I would end up burning the sugar, but I realized I didn’t have the sugar to a full boil. But considering this was my first time melting sugar and making fudge, I think things went pretty smoothly.

Now this was originally for my sister since she loves brown sugar or anything with sugar for that matter. She says it tastes really delicious, like caramel. However, I don’t think it’s all that special, maybe I’m used to a more fudgy fudge, you know like the ones that are kinda soft, but yet really dense and just filled with yummyness? I’m not saying these are nasty or gross or anything, I’m saying they are different and I’m not sure I’m ready to call it fudge, but if I don’t call it fudge, I don’t know what to call it, so I’ll just stick with Brown Sugar Fudge for right now.

Isn't this a gorgeous site? I almost felt bad for marking out the squares is was so pretty.

But I had to mark the squares, otherwise I couldn't know where to cut.

However, the fudge didn't seem to want to cut to nicely anyways...

Brown Sugar Fudge
from 1001 Cupcakes, Cookies & Other Tempting Treats
makes 49 squares

7 tbsp unsalted butter (cubed)
1 ¼ cup whole milk
4 cups light brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract

  1. Line a square baking dish with tin foil and sray the tin foil with cooking spray
  2. Place butter, milk and sugar into a heavy duty, large sauce pan and slowly bring to a boil (I started off with the heat at 8). Stir constantly until the butter has melted completely. Once the butter has melted, bring the mixture to a full boil and cover for 2 minutes as it gently boils. (I set the stove between 5-6, otherwise it would boil over.)
  3. After the 2 minutes is up, take the lid off and bring back to a full boil, stirring occasionally. Once the temperature on the candy thermometer has reached *240 degrees F, removed from heat and stir in the vanilla extract. Set the pan aside for 5 minutes to allow fudge to cool.
  4. Once cooled, beat the liquid fudge until it has lost some of it's shine and has become thick and creamy. Pour immediately into the prepared baking dish (DO NOT scrape the bottom of the pan for it will add the unwanted sugar crystals into the fudge) and set aside to cool for a few minutes. Once cooled, run a knife through the fudge to mark out the pieces. After it has cooled completely, take a sharp knife and cut the fudge into squares.
*the 240 degree F temperature is for people at sea level. For every 500ft that you are elevated, subtract a degree from the final point. For example. If you are 3,500ft above sea level and the directions say to bring the mixture to 250 degrees then you subtract 7 degrees, so you stop boiling your product at 243 degrees instead.

Nutrition Facts
serving size: 1 square inching
Calories 77.1 Total Fat 1.8 g Saturated Fat 0.1 g Polyunsaturated Fat 0.0 g Monounsaturated Fat 0.0 g Cholesterol 4.8 mg Sodium 4.3 mg Potassium 0.1 mg Total Carbohydrate 16.0 g Dietary Fiber 0.0 g Sugars 16.0 g Protein 0.2 g


  1. Oh yum this fudge looks so creamy & delcious, youve managed to cut it into perfect squares as well mm!

  2. The key is to then dip these fudge squares into milk chocolate and you have my very favorite candy from See's Candies! :)
